Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Get quick answers to common questions about using Pressure Pal.
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Q1: Where can I see all my previous pain entries?
With a paid plan, swipe left/right on the History or Journal screen to scroll through months of data.
Q2: How do I export my data?
Paid subscribers can tap Export Reports in the Journal or History view. You'll select a date range and the desired file format (PDF or CSV).
Q3: I reinstalled the app. How do I restore my subscription?
On the payment screen, tap Restore. If you see "Nothing to Restore," ensure you're signed in with the same Apple ID or Google account used to purchase the subscription.
Q4: Why isn't my time zone or pressure reading correct?
Check that your device's Location Services and Time Zone settings are enabled and accurate. Also ensure you have the latest version of Pressure Pal.
Q5: Do I need the paid plan for notifications?
Basic extreme-change alerts are free. Expanded or customizable notifications may require a paid plan in future updates.